City Of Refuge

City Of Refuge

Kromaim, Ghana

Presentation by Michael Parham



James 1:26-27 (NASB)
26  If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this man’s religion is worthless.
27  Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.



Kofi Sakyi


  • @ 35, wife Alice, daughter Nhyira(Blessing), mother Comfort
  • Dad died when Kofi was 9. There were two younger children. Mom and he became street vendors; very poor and very difficult.
  • God gave him and his mother a vision to care for similarly situated children in her home village of Kromaim.”¢They began caring for the orphans in the village in 2001.
  • Micky and Ruthie sent him to technical school; Videographer
  • He and his mother use their resources to care for the orphans there.


What Kofi does –


  • If a parent dies or deserts and it is not possible for the remaining parent to care for the child, he seeks someone ”“sometimes another family member ”“to provide a place for the orphan to stay. Generally, these families are unable to provide food or clothing. This host family receives nothing for their role.
  • He provides 2 meals (a bowl of rice) each day for each orphan; they are fed at the primary school at the edge of town.
  • He pays 2 cooks to prepare and serve the meals. Comfort rents 2 rooms at the school; one for cooking and one where the children eat.
  • Kofi tries to provide one set of school clothes each year per child, and clothes and shoes at Christmas and Easter. And, when possible, he tries to provide a meal and gift for each child in the village at Christmas.
  • Only primary and junior high school are provided in the village. Kofi monitors each child”™s education, and when a child completes junior high, if he thinks they would do well in High School, he sends them to a boarding school. He currently has 4 students in High School. There is also one young man in university.
  • For those unable or ill equipped to attend High School, Kofi is building a training center with a goal of having a teacher to train young people in trades and business skills. He plans to teach sewing to the women and probably auto mechanics to the men. He has purchased 4 hand operated sewing machines.
  • Kofi also provides the books necessary for school for all the orphans.
  • He provides very basic health insurance for each child.
  • So, when he assumes responsibility for an orphan, he provides:
    • Two daily meals
    • Uniform and books for school
    • Very minimal health insurance (malaria, clinic, etc”“no hospitalization)
    • Some clothes and shoes
    • Practical training and/or High School after the free junior high school


What It Costs


  • The daily meals (rice) are about $800 month, plus the gas for cooking (@ $12 per bottle), the cooks”™ small payment, and food preparation items.
  • Clothes, shoes, and small toys for Christmas and Easter.
  • Insurance costs.
  • Boarding school for the 5 currently attending High School varies from about $160-265 per trimester per student, plus $90 ”“110 for room and board per term.
  • University fees for 1 student are 1600c/$454 plus apartment 70c/$20 monthly




Kofi has personally invested in the land & paid for the building

  • One 25×14 and two 14×14 rooms
  • About 6800c/@$1800 for building thru September
  • Estimates to finish construction:2800/@$750 for lintel, porch, toilet ”“but not the roof


His Priorities for ministry


  • Each child”™s basic needs:
    • Two daily meals, clothes, (very basic) insurance, education
  • Building & Training Center
  • Well for the training Center ”“that the village can usecosts 12500c/$3300, pump 3000c/$800 (submersible)C1460/$385 for tank fiberglass
  • Increase cooks”™ wages
  • Long Term: Primary School / Nursery



His message to Ellijay


  • He is praying for Sponsors for Senior High students
  • Clean water for town
  • Tables & chairs for eating
  • Sewing machines
  • Funds for a teacher for training in business skills: Sewing, baking, auto mechanics, simple furniture (sofa, bed, etc); Palm oil business
  • Instruction in Basic English skills
  • Long Term ”“a primary school



Our Assessment


  • Kofi is a Christian and a businessman, who invests his time, money, and energy into these orphans.
  • The only contributions he receives are from a few individuals here in Ellijay and occasional gifts from a Ghanian pastor of a very small church in Kentucky.
  • The need is real; the vision is great; the children are greatly blessed through this ministry.



Michael Parham, ” Is there any other message you would like me to carry back to the church?”

Kofi, “Yes. We haven’t met most of them and we know they are wonderful people. They have been caring for [some of the orphans] for quite a long time, and they have done a good job. It is not easy. It is one of the fundamentals for a Christian to do, and they are doing. They are doing a good work, and we thank them. We thank them so much because it’s just few people who have helped us. It’s just few people. My [people] have not been here, [even those who] have my name or my mother’s name; but constantly, they have helped us, constantly. We really appreciate them, we are debtors for all the good things they do on behalf of these children. We know their [funds] will not go to waste; God is going to replenish it to them in many [ways]. Whatever their needs are, they should have faith. God will meet their needs.

Michael Parham, “ Thank you. I will carry that message back.”





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